14 in 2014

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

14 in 2014 isn't a resolution, it's a list of 14 things I want to accomplish. Some are things that are easy, others are things that will take time and effort. But, I want to accomplish all 14 before December 31st 2014. 

1. Learn more Lao. As in actual sentences and not little words that I don't know how to use in context. I want to communicate with my boyfriend's parents better.

I don't understand.

2. Lose 15 pounds. Not for society, not for a smaller clothes size, but for me.

3. Visit California in July and attend Anime Expo with Tony and Brian.

4. Start an Etsy store and sell accessories and recon'd clothes.

5. Only shop at thrift stores for clothing because it's cheaper and more unique.

6. Coupon more, and buy more fresh foods. Mmmm, homemade stuffed peppers.

7. Tip better, because if I can afford to dine out, I can afford to tip good.

8. See more movies, go to more shows, and see more plays. Be apart of culture and be less of a misanthrope.

9. Read more local news and read more world news. Become passionate about something overseas.

10. Drink more tea. Leaf juice is surprisingly delicious and healthy.

11. Write more, let things out through pen and paper.

12. Make the bed more often. It's kind of comforting crawling into an already made bed.

13. Tell my boyfriend that I appreciate him. Not that I don't already let him now, but he deserves to here it more.

14. Spend more time blogging and less time fretting.

What would be you 14 for 2014?

1 comment

  1. this is a great little list. some really great ideas, small things that we often over look- like the importance of tipping! vey inspiring x



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