OUTFIT | All Bundled Up

Friday, December 06, 2013

As you can see, there is snow. And, it is cold. 

It snowed a lot last night (and it's snowing again right now) and if you follow my Instagram, you probably already know how much fun I was having lugging laundry from the laundromat in ~5 inches of snow. 
Which was none. I was having no fun.
I like snow, snow is gorgeous and pristine and is an instant reminder of Christmas.
But, it's also dangerous and causes people to drive like idiots. 
But, because snow is so white (usually), I like to wear colors that stand out against it, like this red coat. I thrifted this coat earlier this year, in Spring and it's incredibly warm. Though nothing could replace my classic black peacoat, this is a nice change. I wore it atop my cream lace dress and black boots I bought a while back in a place that I can not remember for the life of me. 
Such a warm and colorful outfit.
Much love, 

1 comment

  1. Hey Katie!
    I am loooving the red coat and tartan scarf. I wear tartan on every Monday to school and now everyone is wearing tartan all the time and I like to think it's my fault, muahahahah. I'm egotistical like that~
    While I am here I'd like to thank you for your continued readership of my blog. I appreciate it so much! Also, when the expo comes round, I would -love- to see your cosplay, so drop me a line!
    When the first pics of the X/Y Pokemon trainer came out I immediately noticed how easy she was to cosplay. I already had the skirt and socks. Now I have a red hat and grey top too. I'd like to DIY the collar somehow. I don't go to expos so I have nowhere to cosplay but it's barely a cosplay and I just wear it casually, haha. I don't know if you saw my post on the Pokemon trainer: http://undercoverdressuplover.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/xy-pokemon-trainer.html
    Cass x


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