I'm back!
After a sudden illness and a week-long vacation, along with a few relaxing days catching up on sleep (and Netflix!), I'm finally back! I missed you guys!
I bought this white crop top from Forever 21 for $3.99 in LA. It's a little long on me, hence it being tucked in, but I like it! Though it's unseasonably cool here, the sun is hellacious, so shorts are still appopriate. I DIY'd these last year, and they still get their wear. I thrifted this oversized men's shirt before I left for California, but it was too bulky to bring. I like throwing it over a plain outfit to masculinise it a little.
I found this adorable booth at Anime Expo and bought this R2D2 pin. Though I am a hardcore Star Trek fan, Star Wars is still among my top film franchises. The other pin reminded me of Welcome to Nightvale, so I was like "what the hey" and pinned it on, too. The rings are all from the expo, minus the smiley face and the always worn but never mentioned ring finger ring. Ye, that ring finger. No, not that kind of ring.
I'm feeling awfully lazy lately (maybe because I spent a week in California, enjoying the summer breeze without a care in the world) so I'm going to go marathon some more Star Trek while catching up on some blog reading.
Shirt--Thrifted//Crop Top--Forever 21//Shorts--DIY//Boots--Thrift
1 comment
nice look!
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