HOLIDAY CRAFT | Painted Mason Jar

Monday, December 15, 2014

You'll need:

Mason jar
Spray Paint
Decoupage glue
Painter's tape

Firstly, find a well ventilated room, one where the fumes of the spray paint won't affect you. I live on the third floor of an apartment complex, so I don't have a room like that, so I chose my balcony. 

Lay newspaper down for a protective layer. While doing this, I noticed how many ads I get a week in the mail...

Following the paint can's directions, paint the mason jar. My paint said to allow an hour for a touchable dry and 24 for a completely dry, but to allow more time in cooler climates. Considering it was exactly freezing out when I painted the mason jar, I let it stay out for a couple more hours than suggested.

Using painter's tape, tape a line around the middle of the jar. Make sure to only lightly tap the tape on, otherwise the paint will rip of with the tape.

Using a decoupage glue and sponge brush, brush on some glue in sections around the taped area. The sections ensure that the glue won't dry before you can actually get glitter on them.

Sprinkle glitter on to the wet glue and gently shake off the excess. 

Let it sit to completely dry. My packaging says to allow 20 minutes, but I prefer to let it sit longer.

Gently peel the tape off.

Using a clean and dry paint brush, brush off the glitter fall out from the rest of the jar.

Spray an acrylic sealer over the entire jar. This will keep the paint from chipping off and the glitter from falling off as easily.
And, voila! Really cute, really stylish mason jars to hold your odds and ends!
I know I'm not the first person in the world to do this kind of thing, but I still love it. You can do so many different designs, like stripes and dots, like I did here.

These three are for my mom for Christmas and I hope she enjoys the efforts and love I put into these. < 3

I know have 9 more mason jars to use. What are some mason jar crafts you recommend? Link me some ideas down below!
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