OUTFIT | Smile Like You Mean It

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Another cold day.

Coat--Vinted//Scarf--Forever 21//Sweater--Thrift
It's been incredibly cold this week, and that really puts a damper on anything besides curling up in bed. Thankfully, this scarf that I recently bought from Forever 21 is helping!
I love those little surprises--when you buy something online and when it comes in, you're pleasantly surprised with it. I wasn't expecting a long, warm scarf, to be honest, but I'm glad I got one!

It's actually a little warmer today, and coincidentally, I'm out of food, so I have to venture out for groceries.Wish me luck haha!
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1 comment

  1. love that coat. nothing better than getting something that's better than you expected. It is unfortunate you have to venture out in the cold. (although I'd be lying a little if I said I wasn't jealous, living in Texas makes me a little envious of those that get snow! Wanna trade?)



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