Floral is not a winter print.
But, I can make it one.
Sweater--Thrift//Lace Tank--Wet Seal
Leggings--Forever 21//Boots--Thrift
Saturdays are my only days off. You can technically say that I have Wednesdays off, but I have to go into work at midnight, so it's not a real day off. It's just a prolonged period of non-work. So, I'm being lazy today by wearing leggings and pretending it's spring outside, when it's totally not.
I recently upgraded my phone from a Galaxy S4 to an iPhone 6. I started my smartphone life with an iPhone, experimented with some Androids, but, ultimately, the iPhone has won my heart. It's just easier and more...me. Androids are fantastic devices, and the customization ability is beyond amazing, but I don't need that.
Also, I bought this fox case--how could I resist?
Song of the Moment: Girlfriend by Phoenix
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