LIFE | Spring Cleaning

Saturday, March 21, 2015

With Spring's arrival comes a bit of Spring cleaning.
Spring's weather is vastly different than Winters, and a good transitional cleaning will get you inspired and pumped for the weather!

Firstly, get your coats outta here! Coats = gone!
It's an amazing feeling to realize you no longer have to wear a coat outside.
If you have a hall or coat closet, go ahead and pop those babies in there with a moth ball or two.
Instant room in your closet!

Pack up your sweaters!
I live in the temperamental Midwest, so I can't pack up all my sweaters, but I take the thicker ones, fold them, and place them in some Modcloth boxes I have lying around. They're cute, and pretty strong boxes, so they make perfect closet candy while also being useful.

Shift all your clothes over to fill in the now empty spaces.

Now, for shoes
. I usually keep boots on the top and flats on the bottom, but, seeing as it's Spring, I'm going to be wearing my flats more, so I reversed this. I put my oxfords on top, and loafers and boots at the bottom. I prefer having the more worn shoes on top because it 

Yes, I need a shoe rack.

And, that's it for the basics.

Buuut, if you're more hardcore into transitioning your closet...

Display your warmer weather hats...

Roll up your long socks...

Put your thick scarves out of sight...

And, bask in the light, floral delight of Spring.

You can read more about how I organize my closet here.
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