Anorak--Thrift//Tank--Meijer//Leggings--Forever 21//Boots--Thrift
So, I'm feeling incredibly guilty today. This morning, and all of last night, I was up throwing up, dry heaving and being all around ill. So, I called in at work. This was my first time doing so, and I just feel this incredible guilt because though I feel good now, I didn't earlier. I was genuinely sick earlier.
Oh well.
The thing about being short is all "long tanks" become dresses.It's really hard to style them because they look awkward with jeans, and look even more awkward as dresses. I've gotten into them, because I love the flowy, ethereal, no bra kind of thing, and these allow that, but man, it's a bummer when you size down and it's still a dress on you.
Anyway, this is a late, post burger dinner blog post.
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