I needed this. I needed a two week break from the internet. If there was ever a time where the worst possible things could happen, it would have been the last two weeks.
So, in my last outfit, I was FREEZING in it, because it was 31 outside. Exactly two weeks later, it's 81 outside; welcome to a state with seasons that all happen in the same month. But, hey, I'm welcoming the warmer weather and the color back. I'm more looking forward to dryness and less standing water with worms (!) in it. May is a busy busy month for Indiana and Indianapolis alike, with the Indy 500 on the 24th, and all the festivities leading up to it. Ever since moving here, May has always signified the beginning summer, and I'm looking forward to summer.
Black is not generally considered a summer color, but when you're wanting to wear the most comfortable and breezy clothes, you don't really care about the colors, right?
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