Air Conditioning Season

Sunday, May 29, 2016

summer, outfit

Air condition season is here. The temperatures have risen, the bugs have came out, and humidity has struck us all. Summer has arrived. 

summer, outfit

summer, outfit

summer, outfit

summer, outfit

summer, outfit

summer, outfit
summer, outfit

summer, outfit

summer, outfit
 summer, outfit, sandals
summer, outfit

summer, outfit

Thrifted Kimono / Forever 21 Dress / Thrifted Sandals (Madden Girl)

When it comes to warm weather, you have to be a little more creative with clothing. It becomes hard to layer when the temperatures rise, but, a good, foolproof way to cheat the system is to layer with lightweight items. The kimonos of years past are perfect for adding interest to an outfit without making it too hot, like a jacket would. Accessories are king when it comes to war weather style, too! Accessories make or break an outfit, and that's even more true in the summer, when you tend to wear less clothes.

I paired this olive green dress from Forever 21 with this thrifted pale pink kimono for some visual interest and sun protection. I doubted that olive green and pink look together before I tried this, but I have to tell you, I'm sold on this color combo. I added some long layering necklaces, a simple bracelet, threw my hair in a hipster bun and swiped on some dark lipstick. I don't know if I have the face and hair to pull off a hipster bun, because my hair is at an awkward length, plus one side of my hair is shorter than the other because I'm growing out an undercut. What do you guys think?
Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day!
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  1. lovely!

  2. Omg your outfit is gorgeous !! I love necklace.

    Charming Coco ♡ my Instagram

  3. That outfit is so cute and I ADORE your tattoos!

  4. love your layering necklaces! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, too! Hope we can be friends! :)

    love, polly


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