So, it's January 1st 2018, I'm in black leggings, mismatched socks and an oversized sweatshirt because it's -8 Fahrenheit outside and boy does my apartment lack insulation.
I'm starting 2018 raw and focused, which is the opposite of what I have been the last couple of months. I'm not going to lie, there have been so many moments in 2017 where I have thought about letting my domain expire and give up with blogging. Obviously, I didn't and I'm still here, but the thoughts were there. I've had a really weird year of challenging moments, both blogging and in my personal life, and blogging got pushed further and further back that it became almost a chore to update it, but all I needed was a kick in the butt to reignite the fire.
So, what will 2018 bring?
First and foremost, I want to take more chances and be more creative. I tend to live life guarded and calculated because I hate surprises, but I want to change that. It's not a resolution as much as it is a general want for my life, and something I've been wanting to change about myself for years.
I also want to shop using the three S's--small, slow and sustainable. I have already stopped shopping at Forever 21, H&M and the like, but I really need to small and local and shop at more sustainable retailers. Hold me to this, please!
And, finally, what 2018 may bring is a change to the domain of this blog. I already own the domain, and I already have a back up of this blog on to it, so to me, it's a natural step to move my new content to katielike, and invite you all to join me. It's not set in stone and I'm up for any recommendations you guys may have, but that's a plan that's been stewing in my mind for over a year.
Welcome to 2018 all, let's make it a great year.
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