
Monday, October 28, 2013

I'm having a tiny bit of a dilemma. 

Every photo has been somehow deleted from my Blogger account.

Meaning all of the content I have is now little grey minus signs. My whole blog is little grey minus signs. 

Now I have to go salvage what I have left on my computer and re-upload them, and steal some photos from my Lookbook.

I'm also deleting any content that I can't salvage, meaning my earlier posts may be discarded into oblivion.

Woe is me.

But, instead of complaining and crying about--which I came entirely way too close to--

So, I ask you all to bear with me for a a day or two until I can get this whole ordeal dealt with!

Much love, 



1 comment

  1. Aw that sucks >.< I hope evrything goes well


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