Links à la Mode: IFB Weekly Roundup

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A big thanks again for IFB for featuring another one of my styling posts. :D


Truly Gifted

It's somehow sad that Thanksgiving always gets the shaft for the holidays. Not as much fun as Halloween, not as much religious/global/ gifting/commercial opportunity as Christmas/Hanukkah/etc... But alas, we're all caught up in the holidays in the blogosphere. Between the gifts, the celebrations, the reflection of the year that's about to end, there's so much ground to cover! This week, we have a delightful round of holiday inspired posts to get you thinking about the rest of the year. Believe it or not... we don't have that much time left.

Links à la Mode: November 21

SPONSOR: EastDane, SW3, Ad, Paige Novick, Kate Spade NY, Otte, Kismet Milka, Bill Amberg, Ben Minkoff, & Outsiders, DeSpain, Sarah Magid

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