I don't have any subscription boxes. I had Loot Crate last year, but I stopped subscribing and Ipsy and Birchbox don't really appeal to me. But, Target's Beauty boxes have had some great products for the price lately, and I thought I'd give it a go. And, for $7, I couldn't resist.
The beauty box comes in a plastic wrap over a gift box, with the shipping label stick to one side. When the plastic comes off, the label comes off. The beauty box has the Target bullseye on the front, and inside, it has an intro to the box, with a coupon and list of the items in the box.
The items are protected by a double folded layer of red tissue paper, and are neatly placed, label up, in the box. I was surprised at the quality of items I received. Target has always carried different beauty brands than other superstores, and I'm glad I was sent some items I have never tried before. I received 5 items, 3 of which are full size.
Revlon Ultra HD Lipstick in Gladiolus
A beautiful and creamy traditional red lipstick from Revlon. This line is named after flowers and it smells...good. Like strawberry creme. As a self proclaimed red lipstick aficionado, this lipstick was made for me and I can't wait to bust it out.
SinfulColors Professional Nail Polish in Energetic Red
I don't wear polish often, but red is such a classic and staple color that it's definitely welcome in my small collection. SinfulColors is known for their array of colors and I like to admire their colors every now and again, so I'm sure this will get some use.
Fekkai Professional Hair Care Styling Creme
(full size): $19.99
(full size): $19.99
Cutex Advanced Revival Nail Polish Remover Pads
(full size) $3.99
(full size) $3.99
As I mentioned before, I don't wear nail polish often, but, hey, free remover for when I do is always a good thing! Plus, it's in pad form, so no spilling corrosive liquid everywhere.
Olay Regenerist Luminous HydraSwirl Eye Cream
I don't have a bad case of dark circles but I have some discoloration. I actually own another Olay product for my face, so maybe doubling the Olay will fix it all. Olay^2.
So, for $7, I recieved 3 full size beauty products and 2 samples, a value of more than $40.
What a deal.!
You can see and buy the full size products for this month at target.com/beautybox
What beauty boxes are you subscribed to? Do you recommend any? Let us know below!
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