5 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Blog

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

5 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Blog! www.katielikeme.com #blogging #bloggingtips

Want to know what I get asked a lot?
"What are some tips for blogging?"
Why would someone ask me that?

Am I a million dollar blogger with thousands of loyal followers? 
 But, in my almost 4 years of blogging, I have learned a thing or two about what makes a blog and how to make one. With multiple failed blogs and multiple successful blogs, I have the knowledge to share, and, I'm going to share these 5 things about blogging that everyone should know before they start one!

People Will Not Flock

You're going to start off with 0 followers and how you change that is all on you.
Just because you created a blog doesn't necessarily mean people are going to instantly read it and follow it. You have to create a blog that is welcoming, eye-catching, and makes the reader want to stay for a while. When you can get the basics down is when you'll start to get followers.
Which brings me to the next one...

Followers Don't Prove Anything

Having followers is awesome! People who are subscribing to your content and want to see more is an exhilarating thing. But, your follower count doesn't prove anything. A higher follower count doesn't mean a better quality blog, and a lower follower count doesn't mean a lower quality blog. When blogging, you have to be doing it for yourself and not be thinking about the follower count.

Be Yourself, Be Real

Cue the after school special, these are the truest words to ever be said about blogging. You can put up a facade but after awhile, that curtain is going to fall and everyone is going to see the face behind the mask. Wouldn't you rather be upfront with your readers about who you are?
 People are more interested in other people than they are an illusion of perfection. No one is perfect, no one is cookie cutter, so let your niche flag fly, and let people know that you are truly you.

Give a Little to Get a Little

You gotta give your blog some love! A good theme, a well written about, true to you content--all these factors come in to play to creating a cohesive and well made blog. You have to put some soul into it and when you've combined your soul with your content, you're going to see that pay off with your readership.

You Can't Do it For the Money

If you're expecting to start a blog and make 6 figures, it's not going to happen. There is a distinct visible difference between a blog that exists for readers, and a blog that exists for profit. Making money is cool, and don't we all dream of making 6 figures, but, if you're blogging specifically to make money, you're going to find it more difficult. 

There are so many more valuable tips about starting a blog on the blogging tag on Pinterest. If you're interested in starting a lifestyle, food, or even fashion blog, that tag is the best for keeping you in check!

If you could give tips to prospective blogger, what would you say?

PS. Don't forget to share this post if this helped you!
5 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Blog! www.katielikeme.com #blogging #bloggingtips


  1. All the stuff you said is so true! If there is passion---and I don't mean luke warm---I mean burning passion you are always on the right path <3
    She Will Be

  2. Everything you said is spot on! One of my favorite blogger got super famous and now makes big money off her blog. Her blog has a totally different vibe now and it makes me really sad. It's super obvious when people are blogging for money compared to when people are actually doing it for themselves. Anyway, thanks so much for sharing!

  3. waw, all of theese are true! Thank you so much <3
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