Hello there!
This skirt. Oh my goodness. It's so gorgeous. It's very flowy and light. It's an illusion. It's meant to resemble a hi-low skirt, but in reality, it's a maxi skirt with a shorter skirt underneath. I'm really digging maxi skirts, even if I am short.
I paired the skirt with my rosette dress I thrifted a while back and with my "Lo" boots I bought from eBay. They're so pink and I don't wear them as often as I should.
I feel like a fairy. Well, a Roman goddess and a fairy. I like the chiffon fabric of the skirt and dress and how so easily it drapes and flows in the wind. It makes me feel feminine.
Rosette Dress-Thrift|Skirt-Target|Lo's-eBay|
Song of the moment:
Winter Winds-Mumford and Sons.
I chose a song of the moment for this look because I've been playing it on repeat. I used to hate Mumford & Sons. It reminded me of the bluegrass my dad listened to when I was growing up and I absolutely abhor that. But, on a whim, I bought their albums Babel and Sigh No More and I just fell in love. Really hard. I've heard a lot of their songs on the radio or various commercials. I do believe this song was on a commercial here locally. I like it because it's so meaningful. It's not at all relevant to my present relationship or my outfit. I just really like the chorus. It resonates with me.
I might do more song of the moments because I enjoy showing you guys the type of music I like.
Have a great Tuesday, all!
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