My Favorite Fonts & Where to Get Them!

Saturday, January 09, 2016

My Favorite Fonts, a post on Katie Like Me blogging resources tips fonts

I like my fonts san-serif and cursive, and would you look at that? They're all san-serif or cursive.
All free, too! All fonts are linked for your downloading pleasure.

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My Favorite Fonts, a post on Katie Like Me blogging resources tips fonts

What's your favorite font? Link us and tell us down below!


  1. Bebas is my ultimate babe! You should check out fontspace. I've found that to be the best site to get free fonts. They have a huge huge selection. (:

  2. I love fontspace, but I have a soft spot in my heart for dafont, because it was my first font finding website.
    And, I agree, Bebas is the best.


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